Monday, December 24, 2012

Häid pühi!

Häid jõule kõigile! Tegin oma sugulastele väikese magusa kingituse, riputa või kuuse otsa...Algne idee ei pärine minult, nägin seda ühel jõulupeol ja otsustasin järgi proovida.

Väikesed kuused võtavad osa Kaia väljakutseblogist. - nr 53 Jõuluehe

Monday, December 17, 2012


Here is my final card for this years christmas. I used sliekje digistamp and colored it with watercolor pencils. I added some glitter dust, and used glitter liner, pigment ink pad deep blue, half pearls, my paper world silicone stamp,  snowflake puncher, cotton whool for snow and glass for ice.

I would like to enter my card to the following challenges: - inspiratsioon jõululaulust (have yourself a merry little christmas!) - nr 9 anything goes

Christmas cards

Merry christmas!
Häid jõule!

I have been busy, so many friends and relatives, and now they all have cards. Different styles and some of them...
Nii tore kui on palju sõpru ja sugulasi, kellele jõulukaarte meisterdada. Seekord erinevates stiilides, siin on mõned...

Selle kaardi esitan väljakutsetele:
This card enters following challenges: - nr 52 inspiratsioon jõululaulust  (oh kuusepuu) - nr 9 anything goes
On my last card for challenges, I used: lace, packing paper, halfpearls, button, ribbon, corner puncher, image is from last years advertising catalog.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bellydance fusions


See karbike magusaga läks kingituseks minu kõhutantsu õpetajale.

I made a box of sweets to my bellydance teatcher. I am in a hurry this week, so many dancing performances to give and so many christmas cards yet to do...Christmas is the perfect time for such a show off, like me!!!

I am entering my box to the following challenges: - nr 57 add some lace/anything goes - nr 94 anything goes

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A girl...

I truly loved creating this one. Red, black and purple - I am pleased. I used dillybeans flower girl digital stamp, and i colored her with watercolor pencils. I enter my card: - nr 55 use the color purple/anything goes - nr 50 use three different papers nr 8 anything goes - anything goes

Purple-silvery christmas

It´s time for making some new christmas cards! This one came from purple inspiration, that forevernight  challenges gave me.

It´s got a tag, that says "silvery christmas!" in estonian language. Card recipe: white and blue paper, blue handmade scrapbook paper, white scrapbookpaper (i cut out and used only flowers), snowflake puncher, tie, snowflake charm, heyda silver sparkle, glitter liner, half pearls, pigment ink-purple, my paper world silicone stamp, silver ribbon and lace. I would like to enter my card in - nr 55 use the color purple/anything goes - nr 50 use three different papers nr 8 anything goes - anything goes

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Phantom of the opera

Here is a card, that my mother asked me to make for her colleague´s birthday. Mom wanted a card with a pocket, where to put tickets to the opera. That inspired me, and here is the result

I left the label empty, so she could decide herself, what to write.
This card enters in to following challenges: - nr 53 anything goes - anything goes -nr 7 anything goes

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



My daughter had a "project week with parents" in preschool and the theme was recyclable materials. As we carry our foods from store, using the cardboard boxes, the idea was simple - make it a castle.Don `t be too rough about the paintings, it was done by a five year old.  Her little brother loves the outcome!

Niisiis, plikal oli vaja koos emme-issiga meisterdada midagi taaskasutatavatest materjalidest. Kuna toidupoest saab alati pappkaste koju tassitud, siis nii sündiski meie armas kuningaloss papist. 

I would like to enter my-her project in to following challenges: - anything for boys - nr 7 anything goes - anything goes

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Buttons, buttons...

Üks vallatu nööbikaart!

...mis võtab osa järgmistest väljakutsetest: nr 47 Vallatud nööbid nr 100 Birthdays nr 6 Anything goes

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Album valmis väikestele kaksikutele - tüdruk ja poiss, sünnipäevaks.
Album for twins- boy and a girl and their very first birthday.
Osalen selle tööga järgmistel väljakutsetel:  - challenge nr 46 Bingo (pilt, ripats, pael) või (pärl, vaba valik-pilt, pits) challenge nr 99 ribbon and/or button

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Card for little princess

Some pink colors for a change....I used glitter liner on her eyes, dress and flowers. This gourgeous digi is from saturated canary /krista smith, I love that blog.
Kaart pisikesele printsessile,
Vahelduseks midagi sinisele, tegin kaardi roosades toonides. Tüdruku silmades, kleidil ja lilledel kasutasin sädelevat glitter linerit.

I would like to enter my card in to following challenges: - nr 45 Use glitter - nr 98 Girls.girls.girls

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Tegin ühe kingituse, mõeldes jõuludele, mis peagi käes ju. Viimasel ajal meeldivad mulle väga sinised toonid ja ka seekordne töö on sinakas.

Kasutasin oma töös tugevat pappi, sinist sätendavat käsitööpaberit, pigment ink bad deep blue, nurgamotiivirauda, südame neeti, my paper world silikoontemplit ja glitter linerit. Esitan oma töö väljakutsele nr 45 - kasuta sätendust.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Tegin coptic stiilis märkmiku, mille kaunistasin võttes aluseks Kaia väljakutse sketši. Töös kasutasin:
joonelisi, ruudulisi, valgeid ja värvilisi pabereid; käsitööpaber que sera sera in bloom; käsitsi valmistatud paber, tapeedi jäägid, sinist ja lillalt paela, pitsi, poolpärleid, pigment ink pad deep blue, paberlilled.
Minu töö osaleb järgmistel väljakutsetel: - nr 44 sketš - nr 5 anything goes - nr 97 anything but a card

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A card for a boy,
Üks kaardike poisile, kelle sünnipäeval mu tütar käis.

Hey there, my daughter was invited to her best friends birthday. We made a card for him....

I used freebie from , blue craftpaper (unknown), photo cutter, blue bow, watercolor pencils, charm, halfpearls, pigment ink pad - berry purple. 
I would like to enter my card into following challenges: - challenge nr 4 anything goes - nr 4 anything goes

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scrapbook for my sister

I love vintage creations, this scrapbook is for her birthday.
Õekesel oli sünnipäev ja tegin talle pisikese scrapbooki. Palju õnne!
Sisemised lehed on varustatud väikeste taskutega märkmete jaoks eraldi taskud fotodele.
Pockets for tags and photos

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Edaspidi hakkan oma paberialaseid töid ja tegemisi siia postitama. Ilusat sügist....