Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tik-tak tik-tak.....

Time goes by so quickly, this time pictures tell you my story.
My daughter requested a unicorn-pegasus (she got unicorn, no wings this time :))

Yellow sunny puppie
hair clamp "silver moth"

Pendant "beetle" (made from wrist watch parts)

wedding card
I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:
http://creativefingerschallengeblog.blogspot.co.uk/ - anything goes
http://crazychallenge.blogspot.com/ - nr 204 paper piecing
http://beccysplace.blogspot.com.au/2015/08/august-challenge.html - august challenge
http://craftingbydesigns.blogspot.ca/2015/07/august-anything-goes-challenge.html - anything goes august
http://creativeladybirdscreations.blogspot.ca/ - nr 6 anything goes

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fairy like creatures

Haldjalikud olendid maandusid seekord peavõrudel

....ning kollaažina aknakaunistusel

Lisaks üks kee "maasikad vaniljekastmes"

...ja üks päikesekutsu, kes mahub peopesale
Praegu kõik, jookse vihmas!