Sunday, July 27, 2014


Viimasel ajal olen palavaga toas ehteid meisterdanud, põhiliselt polümeersavi.

Peavõru merineitsiga

merineitsid hoidmas ametüsti:

Kee mille nimeks panin "kosmos"

 Selle kee juures kasutasin rannast leitud lapikut musta kivi ja helendavat savi, nagu all oleval pildil näha

Siis veel kaks steampunk stiilis keed:

Selleks korraks kõik!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bracelet and a box with a drawer


Vahepeal olen jälle üht-teist nokitsenud, kõigepealt käevõru, selle napsas õde juba endale, hea, et viimasel hetkel veel pildi sain tehtud.

Here is a bracelet, that I made from different scrap of left over beads. Only thing I bought recently, was the butterfly filigree. These little spots on it are filled with transparent liquid pearl pen. It looks magical and I like the effect. My sister is the new owner of that bracelet now. I took the picture in  last minute before she left with it!

 Mõni aeg tagasi oli mul hea võimalus õppida uut moodi sahtliga karpi tegema. Minu lemmikpoes Nobiinas, näitas Anni meile, kuidas saab imelihtsalt liimipulga ja nepaali paberiga suurepärase karbi! (tegelt pole lihtne midagi seda kõike millimeetrilt klappima saada :p) Aga noh, harjutamine on väljakutse igaks korraks...

Some time ago I had a great opportunity to learn how to make a box with a drawer. It was a big challenge for me, but Anni was a good teacher. Amazing what you could to with a glue stick and cardboard! This is a second box and I am not quite satisfied with how they come out for now, it takes time to practice perfect!

With that box I would like to enter following challenges: - nr 22 anything goes - nr 186 anything goes
Have a nice summer!